I always believe that I have some talents & skills that can help me create the life that I dream. But the question is whether I have the ability to change my attitude towards my life so that I feel worthy whenever I choose my own path. The answer is, of course I do...so do you. It is in fact simple, effective & once we start doing it, we will feel better immediately. Here are the tricks! Enjoy!!
1) Take charge of our thought
On many occasions, people were telling me that I look unfriendly but once they know me, they start considering that I am in fact friendlier (it’s awfully true that we tend to judge the book by its cover…I do sometimes too...hehe). But I always remind myself to stop thinking about what others r thinking of me & learn to trust in my very own judgment. This is because there is no one shall know you better than yourself.
2) Give ourselves a break
Bear in mind that once our happier thinking style becomes a habit, our worries will start to lose their power on our life. In other words, be a positive thinker is very important. For example, after having a tough day/week (after tests, assignments), I always treated myself by means of entertainment. It is common to see me hanging out with my close friends (if I’m in uni) or siblings (we are one entity-cannot be separated. never) and yes...I consider being with friends& siblings as part & parcel of my entertainment interest), watching the latest Korean series (Wednesdays are my K-Day & luckily I don’t have any tutorial classes on Thursdays & Fridays) & many more :)
this pic was taken an hour ago.after professional practice test.sembang2 kosong ngn kinah,herda,nab & shafrin.
3) Look for the good in everything If a child is given an ice cream, she/he may think that the ice cream is yummy. But his/her mother on contrary may think that the ice cream may cause tooth decay. This example shows that how people look in something varies. The best thing for us to change our attitude towards our lives is by looking for the good in everything even though the beauty lies on the eyes of beholder :)
4) Switch your mind off
Stop spending to much time & energy on worrying unnecessary things (I always do...hehe). But seriously, this won’t do any good to us esp. when we can’t forget about the past. Always remind ourselves that we can’t change the past so getting hung up about these things is a waste of time. Live in the present. This is what matters.
Extra: Happiness Boosters! Try these…
- 1) Sing LOUD with a song you love; esp. in the car (my fav!!)
- 2) Go to your fav restaurant, café, mamak stall & have your must-have meal!
- 3) Watch the light-hearted movies/series with bunch of CRAZY friends!! p/s: for the time being...boys before flowers are my ecstasy!!it boosts my happiness :D
extra: since last saturday until few hours ago,i was under stress & felt all the world was against me.thank God everything is now back to the normal,i'm relieved.phew~